Sunday, 26 July 2009

Photography Trip 2@隅田川花火大会, Kelvin's Part

Thank you Marvin for booking the spot since early in the morning.

It was so crowded that Marvin, Wena and Mich couldn't make it back to the booked spot, so Wit and I were the only ones left fighting the battle. We were almost fully obstructed by trees, leaves and heads. Sigh...I was disappointed that I could not get a single good shot, but I did not regret going there. It was a learning experience and now we know where is the best spot. So Guys, let's try again next year!!

For more elaboration:

Sumidagawa Hanabi-1

Sumidagawa Hanabi-4

Sumidagawa Hanabi-5

Photography Trip2@tachikawa, Sky's Part

Different from others, finally I went to Tachikawa to see the fireworks.
You can see more photos by visiting:
- My blog (part of all):

[Wit] Sumida Hanabi

it was my first hanabi photo experience here.
unluckily we don't have the angle to work with.
the summer sakura tree are there blocking view of hanabi
high above so most of the shots are the low ones that
i somehow managed to take.

thanks to marvin and kelvin for organizing the trip
and acquiring the place since morning

and especially kelvin who hung in there with me till the end.
it was a great learning experience. also let's have a revenge trip!!!
here are some of my shots

ps... we know they would look nice without the trees..... thank you.... T__T

Sunday, 5 July 2009

Photography Trip 2@隅田川花火大会

Hi Everyone,

Our 1st trip ended not long ago, and we already have something to look forward to this month...HANABI!
In brief,

Photography Trip 2@隅田川花火大会
Date: 25 July 2009
Starting Time: 19:00
Meeting Time: TBA
Venue: Near Asakusa, details TBA

Sumidagawa Hanabi is the largest in Tokyo with 21500 shots. Details about Time/Place for rendezvous will be annnouced soon, and I will update the members via TOASIS.

Tips: Please note that for shooting fireworks, you definitely need a tripod (a small one like Ansley's will do). So if you do not have one, please go get it! Another thing that is good to have, and will be very helpful, is remote shutter release. Ansley Sensei, anymore tips to add from you?

Wednesday, 1 July 2009

GR Photography Club - Tour 1 (Michi's part)

Just check my multiply account i you wish to see the other pictures.

Overlooking Ishikawacho


Inside the Piano Room

Phone Booth

We also have a Bluff Garden!

Marvin and his family

Blue Firefly


The GRPC members checking their shots

And then from the park, we went to Motomachi for lunch.



Kid playing in the water

Flower girl



Scary Insect
