Sunday, 28 June 2009

Photography Trip@Yokohama, Kelvin's Part

Kelvin's photos from the trip:

Photography Trip@Yokohama-7
Photography Trip@Yokohama-12

Photography Trip@Yokohama-15
Harvesting Bee
Photography Trip@Yokohama-20
Photography Trip@Yokohama-24
Photography Trip@Yokohama-25
Photography Trip@Yokohama-26
Photography Trip@Yokohama-29
Photography Trip@Yokohama-31
Photography Trip@Yokohama-34
Photography Trip@Yokohama-35
Photography Trip@Yokohama-36
These are just highlights. For more pics, please visit...
Or, even more pictures at my Flickr

1 comment:

  1. Lovely.....
    Very sharp pictures.
    Nice angle of the bear. The balloon rocks too.
